Welcome to Reality Home Care

Serving Real People with Quality Service

Help for Caregivers in Guilford County

Reality Home Care is a private agency specializing in compassionate and professional care to clients. With over 20 years of healthcare experience we understand the importance of client needs and quality care. Our well trained staff work together as a team to ensure our client needs are met. To get started with our home health care services, please call Reality Home Care at (336) 691-2452. We proudly serve Guilford County.

Service that cares

Companion Care

Our companion services focus on improving the health and wellbeing of those entrusted to our care and our clients count on us for outstanding professional care — so their families and their loved ones can continue to enjoy living.

Personal Care

Whether they’re helping with personal hygiene or performing home safety evaluations to prevent avoidable accidents, our compassionate home care staff strive to give you a peace of mind, security more—more convenience, more security, more peace of mind.

Respite Care

Respite care provides short-term, temporary relief from caregiving responsibilities. Many times, a little bit of help goes a long way, whether it’s the freedom to run a few errands, pick the kids up from school, or simply take a much-needed break.